"Now after those days his wife Elizabeth conceived; and she hid herself five months, saying, “Thus the Lord has dealt with me, in the days when He looked on me, to take away my reproach among people.” Luke 1:24-25
I wonder why Elizabeth hid herself for 5 months when she first became pregnant? I'm thinking maybe it was because she wanted people to really believe her word when she told them that she was at last going to bear a child. After all the years of hoping and at times sharing with her friends the possibility that she was pregnant when she was late for her period, maybe Elizabeth did not want to be scoffed or laughed at because of the impossibility of the pregnancy naturally speaking, or because of the false hope she shared in the past. Perhaps she wanted to have the proof to reveal the truth to everyone around her.
How can this relate to us? When people around us know of an area in our life that is broken, barren or difficult they may laugh or scoff at the idea of the miraculous actually taking place in that situation. Humanity naturally puts God in a box, the box of its own way of thinking and believing. It's funny how we perceive and face the difficulties of life; we'll carry hardships alone and resign ourself to bear the entire weight of them rather than believing that we can go beyond them. Faith goes beyond our limitations. Faith sees beyond our present situations. Faith sees God and that God is able, able to do far beyond what we could ever imagine. So, when he speaks, am I hearing? When he moves, am I seeing his hand at work in my life? Even when darkness surrounds my soul, do I believe his hand is still holding me, his presence still guiding me? That is faith; believing that he's there and still in control no matter what I can or cannot see. And he will lead me into a wonderful place beyond what I could every imagine or think as I simply put my trust in him!
So today I will choose to stay hidden for awhile with the knowledge that I am bearing a treasure of faith, I have new life growing inside of me and can be assured that this new life in time will be seen and be a testimony to God's faithfulness and grace! Amen!
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