Too Tired to Serve?
Jesus understands what it's like to be human. After all, he took on bodily form and lived in this world amongst humanity.
Today, I want you to think about what is like after an exciting, eventful time; you've been running on adrenaline because everything's going great. You have lots energy, you're accomplishing many necessary projects, and your outlook on life is, "I'm on top of the world right now! I could stay and live here forever!" You know what I'm talking about! Major life events, like marriage, a newborn child, or a new home, can all be sources of ecstatic emotional highs. Then suddenly, the moment comes when the great feelings wear off and you're left with the ordinary, the mundane routine of life as it was before. For some of us, this change from excitement to the ordinary can bring a sense of anxiety. You feel like you're left with an emotional vacuum where once fullness was.
In Matthew chapter 6:30-32 we see Jesus, knowing the state of euphoria that His disciples were experiencing from a successful mission trip, attempting to lead them to a quiet place where they could rest for awhile. He knew they needed to wind down and eat some food and get some rest so they would have strength to go back to their normal daily routine.
But what happens next is very interesting. Many people who saw them leaving in a boat ran and arrived at the spot ahead of them. Now, if that was me, and say I had just landed on the beach of a nice quiet island to have some "down" time, some R&R, some sweet relief from all of the pressures of life; if I arrived there only to find a crowd there to greet me with a load of work which I had just left behind, you know what I'd be thinking? "Are you kidding me?" my thoughts would shout! "Seriously, I thought I just left this all behind! Don't you people know I'm tired and need some rest? Jesus told me I needed some sleep! Don't you ever think of anyone but yourself?"
Moms can relate to this when it comes to taking care of their little ones. You just have a moment to sit and relax and there's a child who shows up and needs your help! (By the way Moms, did you know that carrying for your little ones is a ministry unto the Lord?)
Back to Jesus and His disciples: Jesus' response is amazing! Not for one moment does He feel resentment towards the people who need His help. He felt compassion for them, He saw them as they were, lost sheep without a shepherd to guide them. And instead of a sigh of resentment, He began to teach them.
Moms - sometimes all your child needs is a teaching moment. You may have just fed them, bathed them and played with them, but now they show up with a book and want you to read! What better opportunity to take out a Bible storybook and use it to teach them about how wonderful God is!
Serving moments come along when we least expect them, and often they come in disguise. They'll come as a tired husband, who's worked hard all day and needs a welcoming wife to bless him with a welcoming smile and kiss when he comes through the door. They'll come as a little child who needs Mommy's attention again! They'll come as a fellow worker who needs a helping hand. Serving moments come in many shapes and sizes, and test our patience and ability to put our self aside to be a blessing to someone else.
Jesus and His disciples did finally get the rest and refreshment they desperately needed, but not until they first spent some time ministering to the needs of the lost and lonely.
Let's make more of an attempt to think about others before ourselves, putting their needs before our own. God will bless you with the needed strength to serve, and supply you the blessing of needed rest as well. Don't lose those precious moments that come your way today!
Take care and God bless!
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