Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Recently I was picking the weeds around our yard that seemed to have popped up overnight from all the rain that had fallen. Then it dawned on me that rain is most welcome for the plants and vegetation that we WANT to see grow and thrive; BUT it also causes vegetation to sprout that we would rather not see. It's a lot of work, keeping up with those pesky plants! But, they are so much easier to pull out when they are small! If you give them time to grow, their roots will grow deeper and stronger. Then they become more difficult to remove.

The rain spoken about in scripture is likened to the Lord's working in our lives. It says in Hosea 6:3 "... He will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains watering the earth." (NIV)
The Holy Spirit faithfully works in our lives to bring spiritual growth and fruit. Then we find that as He is working, He also reveals pesky character traits that pose problems when we do not deal with them. Like weeds in a garden; if you don't take the time, care and effort to keep up with negative qualities in your character they will soon grow unchecked and out of control. This causes a greater amount of work, effort and time in the long run! For example; if you've seen the weeds of anger, self-pity, or greed popping up, but do not take the time to pull them out of your heart quickly, they can grow into resentment, bitterness and the endless seeking for more of the things money can buy!
For more helpful insight as to "weeds" and "good plants" in your life read Colossians chapter three.
Take time to evaluate the garden of your heart today!

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